Freelance portal

Missions for freelancers in engineering, IT and digital

Sectors offering many opportunities for one-off assignments and remote working in engineering, IT and digital often call for the flexibility and adaptability of freelance work.


Our role, as an international recruitment agency (Switzerland, France, Great Britain), is to put each company in touch with the most adapted freelancer to its needs for short, medium or long assignments.



Missions pour freelance en ingénierie, IT et digital en France et à l'international

Company: why use freelancers?


Does your company need occasional external resources to carry out an engineering, IT and digital project with precise specifications? We put at your disposal our network of consultants and freelancers, experts in a wide range of technologies.


Asking for a freelancer means benefiting from an additional resource that is temporary, flexible and does not require hiring. An ideal solution to outsource your difficult, time-consuming, and demanding technical missions in the event of a work overload.


Are you looking for a freelance consultant ? Contact Us!

Freelance expert: benefit from motivating and remunerative missions


Are you working as a freelancer (auto-entrepreneur, sole proprietorship, wage portage...) and are you regularly looking for assignments? We can put you in touch with our corporate clients, for assignments of varying lengths: 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, 1 year...

Don't waste any more time prospecting: concentrate on your technical expertise!

Examples of missions regularly proposed by our recruitment managers, for on-site or teleworking / remote interventions: implementation of modules in an ERP, data migration, web or software development, CRM integration, engineering for embedded systems.



Contact Danem People Switzerland now for more information about our recruitment and HR consulting services.


Danem People Geneva 01 84 25 44 69 


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